
Programming Arduino Bootloader using Avrdude with AVRISP mkII in Manjaro (Arch Linux)

18 Jul 2020, 12:50pm TZ +05:30
linux, manjaro, hardware, Arduino, AVR

Programming Arduino Bootloader using Avrdude with AVRISP mkII

I use the original Arduino-UNO and Mega for development. They are reliable and work a charm. But for cost constrained projects, most of the times I have used Arduino clones. It’s a common hassle these days with some Arduino clones having wrong boot-loader.

I wanted to have a permanent and repeatable way fix the boot-loader in Arduino boards.

Let’s look at how I did this in my favorite Manjaro (Arch Linux)

In fact my earlier article on installing AVRISP mkII on Windows 10 is one of the most visited articles on this website.


Zephyr OS : Understanding Application Development and a Fancier Blinky for STM32F3 Discovery Board

26 Jun 2020, 02:54pm TZ +05:30
Zephyr, hardware, manjaro, linux, STM32, ARM
Embedded, Software, IoT

Getting started with Application Development on Zephyr OS

After understanding the basics of how to do debugging on a Zephyr OS project, let’s do something custom.

We would look at how to get started with Application Development on Zephyr OS.

This is Part 3 in the series of post on Zephyr OS. In Part 1 we saw how to setup the development environment on Manjaro (Arch Linux). In Part 2 we looked at how to create an Eclipse CDT IDE end project and then successfully debug our code.

Source code for basic-blinky project is available at .

Source code for fancier-blinky project is available at . Note: This code is specific for STM32F3 Discovery with PCB Revision C and above.


Flashing ESP8266 module ESP-01 in Manjaro (Arch Linux) and a story of Serial Port under Linux

17 Jun 2020, 06:41pm TZ +05:30
hardware, WiFi, ESP8266, Espressif, manjaro, linux, serial-port
Embedded, IoT

ESP8266 Flashing on Manjaro (Arch Linux)

Let’s look at how to use Serial-Port under Manjaro (Arch-Linux) . Our goal would be to flash a ESP8266 chip . More specifically the tiny module ESP-01 .

This may be out of time in the 2020.

I wanted to fix the serial-port issues once and for all.

Here goes my quest to simplify serial-port logging & debugging on Linux.


Zephyr OS : Blinky Example for STM32F3DISCOVERY board with Debugging Enabled

08 Jun 2020, 12:17pm TZ +05:30
Zephyr, hardware, manjaro, linux, STM32, ARM
Embedded, Software, IoT

Zephyr OS Blinky Example for STM32F3DISCOVERY board

We are going to look at a example of Blinky running on STM32F3DISCOVERY Board . Additionally we would be doing Debugging on the Zephyr OS. All this on the good ness of Manjaro (Arch Linux).

This is Part 2 in the series of post on Zephyr OS. In Part 1 we saw how to setup the development environment. In Part 3 we look at how to get started with Application Development on Zephyr OS using our custom blinky projects on STM32F3 Discovery Board .


Zephyr OS : Getting Started on Manjaro (Arch Linux)

08 Jun 2020, 06:25am TZ +05:30
Zephyr, hardware, manjaro, linux
Embedded, Software, IoT

Zephyr OS Development Using Manjaro(Arch Linux)

The Zephyr OS is based on a small-footprint kernel designed for use on resource-constrained and embedded systems: from simple embedded environmental sensors and LED wearables to sophisticated embedded controllers, smart watches, and IoT wireless applications.

From Zephyr Project Documentation

We would look at initializing the environment and installing necessary dependencies. This is Part 1 in the series of post on Zephyr OS. In Part 2 we would look at an Example of Blinky program running on STM32F3DISCOVERY Board . In Part 3 we look at how to get started with Application Development on Zephyr OS using our custom blinky projects on STM32F3 Discovery Board .
